UIRR press release: CT Directive amendment: milestone reached 16/05/18

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CT Directive amendment: milestone reached

The legislative process to adopt the amendment of the Combined Transport Directive1 has progressed well since its unveiling by the Commission on 8 November 2018.

The European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee Rapporteur, Daniela Aiuto, delivered her report2 to which the deadline for amendments is today.

UIRR has drafted a position paper3 and suggested just 4 amendments, while unconditionally endorsing 27 of the Rapporteur’s amendments and attaching comments to 17.

Accordingly, UIRR suggests the following changes to the European Parliament:

The possibility to exceed the maximum allowed road leg distance on either end of a combined transport operation based on the prerogative and justification of the operator of the transport in order to continue with existing combined transport operations that require a longer road distance for deficiencies of the rail infrastructure or the existence of freight terminals.

A special entry-into-force deadline of 7 years from the date of adoption on the compliance of non-craneable semi-trailers with the identification regime described in the EN13044 standard.

Clearly stating that electronic signatures are acceptable on the (electronic) documents to be delivered to assist the enforcement of compliance with the combined transport operation definition.

Permission to submit an explanation for any deviation from the as-planned routing of the road leg – for reasons of vis maior, road works or other obstacles – under the ex-post rectification process related to enforcement.

The Transport Council Working Group, under the leadership of the Bulgarian Presidency, is diligently discussing the amendment as well. The functioning of this legislative body is less transparent than the European Parliament’s. UIRR maintains that any anomalies of the road transport sector should not be solved by eliminating the legal equivalence that currently exists between international combined transport operations and international end-to-end road haulage within the European Union.

UIRR will continue to assist the European legislators by rapidly and comprehensively answering the questions arising during the legislative process. Combined Transport is the engine of rail freight growth, and more rail freight is needed to curtail the emission of greenhouse gases, while meeting the road safety improvement, congestion and pollution reduction aims of EU Member States.


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1 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52017PC0648&from=EN

2 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fNONSGML%2bCOMPARL%2bPE-619.311%2b01%2bDOC%2bPDF%2bV0%2f%2fEN



The legislative process to adopt the amendment of the Combined Transport Directive1 has progressed well since its unveiling by the Commission on 8 November 2018.

The European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee Rapporteur, Daniela Aiuto, delivered her report2 to which the deadline for amendments is today.

UIRR has drafted a position paper3 and suggested just 4 amendments, while unconditionally endorsing 27 of the Rapporteur’s amendments and attaching comments to 17.

Accordingly, UIRR suggests the following changes to the European Parliament:

§ The possibility to exceed the maximum allowed road leg distance on either end of a combined transport operation based on the prerogative and justification of the operator of the transport in order to continue with existing combined transport operations that require a longer road distance for deficiencies of the rail infrastructure or the existence of freight terminals.

§ A special entry-into-force deadline of 7 years from the date of adoption on the compliance of non-craneable semi-trailers with the identification regime described in the EN13044 standard.

§ Clearly stating that electronic signatures are acceptable on the (electronic) documents to be delivered to assist the enforcement of compliance with the combined transport operation definition.

§ Permission to submit an explanation for any deviation from the as-planned routing of the road leg – for reasons of vis maior, road works or other obstacles – under the ex-post rectification process related to enforcement.

The Transport Council Working Group, under the leadership of the Bulgarian Presidency, is diligently discussing the amendment as well. The functioning of this legislative body is less transparent than the European Parliament’s. UIRR maintains that any anomalies of the road transport sector should not be solved by eliminating the legal equivalence that currently exists between international combined transport operations and international end-to-end road haulage within the European Union.

UIRR will continue to assist the European legislators by rapidly and comprehensively answering the questions arising during the legislative process. Combined Transport is the engine of rail freight growth, and more rail freight is needed to curtail the emission of greenhouse gases, while meeting the road safety improvement, congestion and pollution reduction aims of EU Member States.

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1 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52017PC0648&from=EN

2 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fNONSGML%2bCOMPARL%2bPE-619.311%2b01%2bDOC%2bPDF%2bV0%2f%2fEN

3 http://www.uirr.com/en/media-centre/press-releases-and-position-papers/2018/mediacentre/965-directive-92106-amendment-aiuto-report.html

Ralf-Charley Schultze

"The timely adoption of a good amendment of the Combined Transport Directive is imperative to enable the shifting of a significant number of long-distance trucks off the roads of Europe. This is necessary to reach the European Union’s transport policy aims to reduce road congestion, the number of road accidents and fatalities, as well as pollution and CO2 emissions." - commented UIRR President Ralf-Charley Schultze.

Who is UIRR?

Founded in 1970, the International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIRR) represents the interests of European road-rail Combined Transport Operators and Transhipment Terminal Managers.

Road-Rail Combined Transport (CT) is a system of freight forwarding which is based on efficiently and economically inserting electric rail into long-distance (road) transport-chains through the use of intermodal loading units (ILU).

31, rue Montoyer - bte 11  | B-1000 | Brussels

www.uirr.com | headoffice.brussels@uirr.com
Tel. : +32 (0)2 548 78 90  | Fax : +32 (0)2 512 63 93

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