Study on longer and heavier road vehicles (Gigaliner) 07/09/06

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As a reaction to the campaign fought in favour of road vehicles with authorised length and weight exceeding the authorised standards in force, the UIRR and its German member company Kombiverkehr ordered a study from the specialised consultant TIM Consult in order to assess the consequences of introducing such ‘Gigaliners’ on Road-Rail CT. The conclusions of this study show a risk of a return of more than 50% of CT towards road transport, and as a consequence, of a 24% increase in the number of road circulations. This would imply obvious regrettable consequences regarding environment and road safety.

The UIRR and Kombiverkehr speak in favour of the preservation of the rules of the the Directive 96/53 in force, guaranteeing a relative equality in the chances of access to the market between the different transport modes.

Related documents
Press release - 07.09.06 DE EN FR
Slides EN