INVITATION - Funding the Single European Rail Area - 19 March 2019
Funding the Single European Rail Area Can we achieve seamless rail transport across Europe?
Tuesday 19 March 2019 18:30
Residence Palace (Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels)
Join us for a high-level debate co-organised with the Romanian Presidency of the EU to discuss rail financing in Europe.
The resources allocated to rail transport in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework will play a key role in ensuring that Europe's transport system as a whole efficiently supports the EU’s economic growth. In addition to the Connecting Europe Facility, the Cohesion Fund and the European Fund for Regional Development have been essential in ensuring that poorer regions in Europe and cohesion countries invest in rail projects, and that social cohesion and connectivity is strengthened across all parts of the European Union and neighbouring countries.
Will the next EU budget be able to support these investment needs despite the risk of budget cuts in a post-Brexit environment? In the face of proposed cuts to the cohesion fund, will poorer regions in Europe be able to continue investing in rail projects in order to enable seamless rail transport across all regions of Europe? How do we ensure that the wider benefits from rail transport will not be forgotten?
Preliminary programme
18:30 Welcome by moderator Keynote speeches Panel discussion 20:00 Closing remarks
As well as representatives from the Romanian Presidency and from the Romanian Rail Infrastructure Manager CFR, we are pleased to announce the following confirmed speakers:
Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport
Marian-Jean Marinescu, MEP (EPP, RO), Transport and Tourism Committee