Europe-Asia Intermodal Logistics 2024 30/05/24
< ZurückEUROPE-ASIA INTERMODAL LOGISTICS 2024: NEW SILK WAY SHAPING is an in-person networking platform for the European and Eurasian logistics experts that will take place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, on May 30-31.
Date: 30-31 May
Venue: Rotterdam, Netherlands, Hilton Rotterdam Hotel 5*
- 30 May - all day Forum and exhibition with a closing gala dinner.
- 31 May - technical site visit to the Port of Rotterdam
This gathering promises to be a cornerstone event for professionals in the European intermodal logistics sector, offering deep dives into current trends, future directions, and the challenges and opportunities that lie at the intersection of European and Europe-Asia trade.
Keynote Questions:
- European Intermodal Logistics: Current State and Future Trends
- Impact of global economic shifts on European trade patterns.
- Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).
- Ports as hubs for European logistics and gateway for transportation from Asia
- Transportation development between the North, Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas.
- Sustainable development of the European seaports in view of the current market conditions.
- Emerging markets and new trade routes in the Europe-Asia corridor.
- Railway transport
- Short Sea Shipping
- Road transport
Further information about the organizer and the event can be found on this web page: