14:30 Keynote messages
1. Parliamentary State Secretary Oliver Luksic, BMDV Germany Approach of a Member State to transport decarbonisation and the boosting of energy efficiency
 2. Jens Gieseke, Member of the European Parliament, TRAN, ITRE and ENVI committees Decarbonisation, energy efficiency and energy decoupling expectation of the European electorate
 3. Daniel Mes, Member of the Cabinet of Frans Timmermans, First Vice President of the European Commission Decarbonisation needs and expectations from the transportation sector under the European Green Deal  4. Dr Josef Doppelbauer, Executive Director EU Agency for Railways Electrification, compatibility and capacity of the European (TEN-T) railway infrastructure – a key component of zero-carbon rail freight operations.  14:55 Presentation of the ZCCT Study Dr Thorsten Sickenberger, Partner, d-fine GmbH, Frankfurt

15:10 Panel of leading Combined Transport actors Reflecting on electrification and their commitment to Zero-Carbon Combined Transport
- Michail Stahlhut, CEO Hupac
- Bernhard Ebner, CEO Rail Cargo Operators
- Thibault Fruitier, CEO Novatrans/Greenmodal
- Monika Gindl-Muzik, Managing Director WienCont Terminal
- Imad Jenayeh, Senior Business Development Manager CFL Multimodal

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