1000 ILU-Code users: a European intermodal success story 17/12/18
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1000 ILU-Code users: a European intermodal success story
For more than 7 years now the ILU-Code has been used to identify intermodal loading units throughout Europe. The number of active ILU-Code owner-keys has reached the symbolic threshold of 1,000 on the European continent. Thanks to the trust of the sector and the revision of the European standard EN 13044 more than 350,000 European loading units marked with an ILU-Code identifier are used every day on road, rail, inland waterways and in short sea shipping. Today almost all bookings for unaccompanied Combined Transport consignments are based on the ILU- and BIC-Codes.
- The ILU-Code is a digitalization enabler
- The ILU-Code is required by law
- The ILU-Code is one standard for every logistics operation
- The ILU-C0de has new functionalities and will be extended
- The revision of ILU-Code standard EN13044 will start in 2019
Download the full press release here:
-Code users: a European intermodal success story
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UIRR PR: ILU-Code | EN |