Press releases and position papers
- 23/12/15 Truck traffic suffocates Alpine valleys
- 19/10/15 Persistently low oil price offers opportunities
- 12/10/15 A Fourth Railway Package milestone reached
- 28/09/15 Press release - Why should Directive 92/106 be recast?
- 25/08/15 Position paper: Input to the Mid-Term Review of the 2011 Transport White Paper
- 09/07/15 Road-Rail Combined Transport: America shows the example
- 30/06/15 Member States should drive forward the growth and competitiveness of the rail sector
- 16/06/15 Increased Capacity at Terminals and Reduction in Carbon Footprint Possible Through EcoHubs ICT Tools
- 26/05/15 European CT closes 2014 business year
- 07/05/15 Press release on Transalpine conditions