Press releases and position papers
- 07/06/22 BDI Position paper on combined transport
- 23/05/22 Press release: EU Combined Transport in 2021 grew by almost 11%
- 13/04/22 Position Paper: TEN-T Infrastructure for Combined Transport
- 30/03/22 Press release: TEN-T revision: a good proposal to be further refined
- 30/03/22 Position Paper: TEN-T Regulation amendment: putting efficiency in the focus
- 21/02/22 Press release: Eurovignette: a lopsided outcome with important misses
- 22/12/21 Press release: Action Plan for intermodal rail freight
- 20/12/21 Press release: The future of EU transportation infrastructure
- 06/12/21 Press release: Combined Transport: carbon footprint and energy efficiency
- 01/12/21 Press release: Intermodal freight should be a transport mode in its own right