Speeches and presentations
- 22/09/17 Study Trip Corridor 2 - Brussels 22.09.2017
- 27/09/17 ASE Forum Güterverkehr - Karlsruhe 27.09.2017
- 14/09/17 UIC_FIATA Marketplace Seminar - Duisburg 14.09.2017
- 12/09/17 Urban Rail Conference - Amsterdam 12.09.2017
- 10/05/17 Forum Verkehr - Munich 10.05.2017
- 26/04/17 BEWAG Forum - Brussels 26.04.2017
- 05/04/17 RailwayPro- Regulatory developments & competitiveness, Arad 05.04.2017
- 30/03/17 ESC- Intermodal transport: regulatory developments & weights, Brussels 30.03.2017
- 22/03/17 IRFC Digitalisation in Road-Rail CT - Prague 22.03.2017
- 01/03/17 IRU Groupe of Experts on intermodal Transport, Brussels 01.03.2017