Romania offers 33% TAC reduction to intermodal freight trains 18/04/24

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CFR reduces the TUI for intermodal trains  (Author: Mariana Patru)

In order to encourage intermodal transport, CFR SA approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in March the 33% reduction of the Infrastructure Use Tariff for intermodal freight trains.

The TUI reduction is applied on the traffic routes agreed by the CFR with the railway transport operators. Also, the CFR decided to conclude some agreements with the applicant railway freight transport operators, separate from the access contract with a duration of 12 months and with the possibility of extension, depending on the economic results related to intermodal traffic, at the end of the duration of the initial agreement.

Also, CFR specifies, the reduction will be applied against the TUI level corresponding to the characteristics of the trains in question, for complete intermodal trains, consisting only of wagons with ICUs or empty wagons for ICUs, on the routes provided by the conventions.

If the transport also falls under another discount system, for example international transit, only one discount is applied.

Conventions will be concluded only with rail freight transport operators who have concluded an ongoing access contract with CFR and do not register debts older than 35 days. In the situation where there are debts older than 35 days, the agreements can only be concluded with the railway operators for which there are respected agreements regarding the settlement of outstanding debts.

Moreover, the agreements will contain termination clauses in case of registration of debts towards CFR older than 35 days during the validity period of the agreement.

What is TUI and how is it calculated?

The tariff for the use of the railway infrastructure represents the amount paid by a railway transport operator or, as the case may be, by the applicant who designated the railway transport operator for the provision of the minimum access package for the movement of trains.

The TUI calculation methodology is based on the following tariff elements:

  • the distance traveled by the train calculated between the axis of the origin station and the axis of the destination station;
  • the gross tonnage of the train;
  • type of traffic: goods or passengers;
  • traffic route;
  • the class of the section for TUI calculation and its equipping with electrification systems to ensure traction current.