Jahresbericht 2006 - Der Aufschwung 28/06/07

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Recovery is the general theme of the annual report 2006.

The following companies have contributed to the realisation of this report:

  • UIRR - Eugenio Muzio - Chairman of the Board - Foreword
  • UIRR - Rudy Colle - Director General - The key conditions for recovery
  • UIRR - Martin Burkhardt - Director General - Capacities: extension and optimal utilisation
  • Kombiverkehr - Robert Breuhahn - Director General - Plans for extension to Eastern Europe
  • TRW – Jean-Luc Mélard - Director General - Improved operational organisation
  • ICA - Hermann Ungersbäck - Director General - CT on the rise
  • POLZUG - Walter Schulze-Freyberg - Director General - Maritime CT: development and obstacles
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