CT: an important tool for the reduction of CO2 emissions 08/07/03

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The purpose of this study realised within the framework of the PACT programme (« Pilot actions for combined transport ») is to obtain a realistic analysis of the environmental performance of combined transport. The emphasis was particularly on the road-rail techniques. Here are the main conclusions of the study:

  • compared to rail, unaccompanied transport saves 29% of energy on rail whereas Rolling Road saves up to 11%
  • compared to road, unaccompanied transport reduces CO2 emissions by 55%, whereas CT chains comprising Rolling Roads enable a reduction by 18%
  • combined transport as a whole reduces yearly (basis year: 2000) by 1,8 million of produced CO2 and so cuts the environmental cost by 180 million EUR
  • through the implementation of adapted measures, combined transport will be in the future in a position to bring a still larger contribution to the protection of cli-mate and to the preservation of environment.
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