Press release: European CT: 2015 a tough, but positive year 24/05/16

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European Combined Transport and UIRR Operators realised positive results in 2015: a 0.75% increase in consignments was coupled with a substantial 5.23% increase when measured in terms of tonne-kilometres, while UIRR, the industry association of the sector, increased its membership by adding 4 Operator and 3 Terminal members.

Longer distance unaccompanied CT turned a strong performance - especially when including intercontinental relations (towards Asia) - delivering growth of 7.6%.  Shorter distance (domestic) CT-chains and Rolling Motorways (RoLa), on the other hand, suffered a contraction of around 5%.  The average distance covered by a CT consignment expanded in 2015 to 882 kilometres. (To download the full press release, please see below "Related Documents").

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UIRR press release - EU CT EN
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