UIRR at RMMS (A. Ersek) 29/09/10
< Back to listArt. 10b (1) of Directive 2001/12/EC provides that the Commission shall make the necessary arrangements to monitor ‘technical and economic conditions and market developments of European rail transport’.
In response to this requirement the European Commission (DG MOVE) convenes an annual meeting of Member States, industry and stakeholder associations, where the statistics and the developments of the railway sector are presented and discussed. This provides an essential input to the Commission's regular reporting on the impact of the implementation of rail market liberalization in the Member States.
UIRR, speaking on behalf of rail freight customers, is a regular participant of RMMS meetings, where it presents the experience of Combined Transport operators. (click: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/rail/market/market_monitoring_en.htm)
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