Enhanced Harmonised Approach Regarding Non-RU Applicants 04/06/20

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Source: http://rne.eu/blog/news/enhanced-harmonised-approach-regarding-non-ru-applicants/


Enhanced Harmonised Approach Regarding Non-RU Applicants

As RNE has been addressed by existing and potential Non-RU Applicants regarding the need for a higher level of harmonisation of the rules applicable to Non-RU Applicants when requesting international train paths, the RNE General Assembly approved an enhanced version of the Guidelines Concerning a Harmonised Way of Handling Non-RU Applicants on 20 May 2020.

Most importantly, the scope of the guidelines, which had previously been applicable only to the pre-arranged train paths offered by the Rail Freight Corridors, has been extended to the whole network and to all types of trains and products.

The goal of RNE’s Members with the new version of these Guidelines is to facilitate the participation of Non-RU Applicants in requesting international railway capacity.

The Guidelines Concerning a Harmonised Way of Handling Non-RU Applicants are available for download below:

Documents correspondants
Guidelines Non-RU Applicants EN