Pressemitteilungen u. Stellungnahmen
- 12/12/16 Press release: I A M Connectivity & Logistics for Growth
- 12/12/16 RFE press release: RFE seeks measures for competitive freight transport
- 02/11/16 Press release: Revision of Directive 92/106 announced
- 11/07/16 Press Release: Rail freight in the spotlight
- 11/07/16 Position Paper: Issues of Rail Freight
- 06/07/16 Mehr als 1000 zufriedene Kunden auf der digitale CESAR-Schnittstelle!
- 04/07/16 ILU-Code: boosting the competitiveness of CT since 5 years
- 30/06/16 Ministererklärung und Stellung des Sektors über internationales Schienengüterverkehr
- 20/06/16 Investionen in der Infrastruktur verlangt
- 24/05/16 Press release: European CT: 2015 a tough, but positive year