UIRR at UNECE - WP24 (A. Ersek) 04/10/10

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The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe facilitated the conclusion of the European Agreement on Important International Combined transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC), which creates the technical and legal framework for the development of international intermodal and combined rail-road transport infrastructure and services in Europe. 

The UNECE Working Party 24 on Intermodal Transport and Logistics (WP24) was created as a forum for the exchange of technical, legal and policy information as well as best practices in intermodal transport.  WP24 brings together eminent experts from UNECE governments, industry organizations and academics.

UIRR has been a regular contributor to WP24.  (click: http://www.unece.org/trans/wp24/welcome.html?expandable=99)

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