- 2020PLANETPLANET - Integration Of TEN-T into A Global Trade Network
- 2019COMBINECOMBINE - Enhancing the share of Combined Transport in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR)
- 2019FENIXFENIX - European Federated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX)
- 2017AEROFLEXAerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport
- 2016HubHarmonyHarmonisation benchmark for inland multimodal hubs
- 2015EU Last MileLast mile infrastructure for rail freight
- 2017ELETAElectronic exchange of ETA information
- 2012EcoHubscoHerent measures and environmental interventions to debottleneck hUBs of the multimodal netWork fAvoured bY Seamless flow of goods
- 2012DESTINYDeployment of Standards for Intermodal Efficiency