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Kick-off year : 2012 Title : Deployment of Standards for Intermodal Efficiency Programme : Marco Polo Status : Completed Link :
A Marco Polo common learning action to improve efficiency in the intermodal transport chain.
Intermodal freight transport plays an important role in the European objective to achieve better sustainability.
Standardisation is a great way to enhance the efficiency by a commonly agreed, homogeneous best practice. This is particularly true in intermodal transport which involves numerous actors. Standards can only deliver their beneficial effects if they are applied and eventually become a part of daily best practice.
The project will facilitate the deployment of existing standards related to EN13044 identification (ILU-Code) and codification of intermodal loading units, safety (Cargo Securing) and the transport of dangerous goods.
The objective of this common learning action is to unite a critical mass of actors for the deployment of standards leading to more safety and efficiency and therefore a higher attractiveness of intermodal solutions.
The Consortium
• Coordination: UIRR scrl (Belgium)
• Action partners: SGKV (main consultant), Hupac Intermodal BVBA (CT operator), KombiConsult (consultant specialised in CT), Kombiverkehr (CT operator), Mari Term (specialised in cargo securing), Novatrans (CT operator), Terminali Italia (Terminal Operator)
• Project duration: 24 months (Start: 1st September 2012)
15 Associations officially support DESTINY: BGL, CEN, CER, Clecat, CombiNet, EFIP, EIM, EIA, ERFA, ESC, FNTR, INE, Infrabel, IRU, UIC (more will join the network during project duration).
Workshop on OCR-Technologies
Intermodal terminals are challenged by increasing requirements for checking and documenting their gate processes. It is not only that safety and security are relevant but also the liability change. The European Norm EN 13044 (2010) standardizes the identification of intermodal loading units. Against that background camera portals and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technologies have been implemented in numerous ports, but also some continental intermodal terminals.
Key users and their suppliers shared their experiences on a workshop on “Gate automation with OCR-technologies” on 17.October 2013 in Mannheim (Germany) which was accompanied with a visit to the KTL terminal in Ludwigshafen, where camera portals have been installed on the rail and road side, recently. This workshop has been organised in the framework of the Marco Polo project DESTINY.
More information can be found here:
Workshop on iintermodal loading units
In order to make Combined Transport competitive towards long‐distance road transport, the physical transhipment of the so‐called intermodal units (containers, swap bodies and semi‐trailers) must be as efficient as possible. To achieve this, the units shipped on road have to be mainly compatible with rail transport. Thus, it is all about finding the best combination possible between the units, the wagons and the infrastructure.
The recent works, in particular at the CEN and UIC level, will highly contribute to that but the expertise of the actors is requested in order to make interoperability as optimal as possible.
Key manufacturers and codifying entities were invited to a workshop, which will, on the one hand, report on the ongoing developments in standards in particular the EN 13044 and, on the other hand, give the opportunity to express their expectations in this matter. The workshop took place in Brussels on the 29th October 2013 in the UIRR's premises.
More information can be found on
Final conference - 18 June 2014 - Brussels
The final conference of the DESTINY Project, hosted by CEN on 18 June in Brussels, lined up the representatives of CER, CLECAT, EFIP, IRU, UIC, UIP and UIRR, the coordinator of this unique joint activity, to inform the multitude of sector representatives in attendance. These European transport organisations agreed that "standardisation by the sector for the sector" is a much more desirable (voluntary) method of coming to a common platform - indispensible for freight transport to function efficiently - than the alternate forms of government imposed regulation.