< Back to listKick-off year : 2023 Title : European Shift Enabler Portal 4 Freight Status : Ongoing Link :
ESEP4freight (European Shift Enabler Portal 4 Freight) project, financed under the Horizon Europe program, has the objective of providing freight customers with an overview of the available rail freight services in Europe via a web platform. The Web Platform will include an Interactive map with different modules such as a CO2 calculator, a schedule viewer, a contract toolbox and a matchmaking tool. The project was launched in September 2023 and will last for24 months.
UIRR, as the leader of work package 2, has initiated a benchmark analysis on the current contractual arrangements with the various intermodal stakeholders (for example between the shippers and LSPs) with the aim to propose a harmonised contractual framework. In addition, the potential use of smart contracts and blockchain technologies in the intermodal ecosystem has been further investigated.