6th Global Rail Freight Conference - 27-29 June 2018, Genoa, Italy 27/06/18

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The 6th UIC Global Rail Freight Conference (GRFC), one of the leading events dedicated to rail freight transport and logistics at world level, was held from 26 – 28 June 2018 in Genoa, Italy. This event is a landmark for all actors of the logistics chain. Genoa is the south terminal of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, one of nine multimodal TEN-T Corridors under development to boost the growth and competitiveness of the European economy in a sustainable way and a port open to world trade. Multimodality was in the centre of interest. Views were exchanged on the challenges and opportunities of intermodal solutions. Digitalization as enabler and the intercontinental belt and road initiative as a working sustainable alternative were presented by experts and discussed by all the relevant actors.

Documents correspondants
6th GRFC - Save the Date EN