UIRR press release: EU CT growth and hopes 22/05/17

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European CT 2016: growth and hopes

European Combined Transport and UIRR Operators realised positive results in 2016: a 0.66% increase in consignments was coupled with a 3% increase when measured in terms of tonne-kilometres, while UIRR, the industry association of the sector, was reinforced by 3 new members, the integration of 9 industry partners and the alliance with 3 new national associations.

The results of 2016 contain a welcome growth in the number of domestic consignments, which was coupled with a reduced average distance, signalling that there is potential in relatively shorter distance Combined Transport.  The intercontinental and cross-border intra-EU relations continued their dynamic growth, whereas rolling motorways did not yet manage to recover.

The year-closing UIRR General Assembly on 18 May was followed by a consultation between Deputy Head of Unit, Gzim Ocakoglu of DG MOVE and the CEOs of UIRR Member companies concerning the upcoming amendment of Directive 92/1061.

Mr Ocakoglu confirmed that DG MOVE is on track with its work plan to submit the amendment proposal to the meeting of the College of Commissioners in late November.   The drivers of the amendment are the fulfilment of the modal shift aims declared in the Transport White Paper and the enhancement of Combined Transport’s competitiveness when compared with pure road haulage – to compensate for inadequate infrastructure payments and the external costs of the latter.

UIRR inaugurated as new members into the association:  KTL (Germany), Sopron Terminal /GYSEV Cargo (Hungary), and Swissterminal (Switzerland).  Over the course of 2016 Ermewa, Den Hartogh, Krone, LIS, Lohr, Modalis, Nacco, Schmitz Cargobull, and Unit45 from among the CT committed economic players became official partners of UIRR.  Memoranda of Understanding were concluded with national associations Assoferr (Italy), MLSZKSZ (Hungary) and Groupement Fer (Switzerland).

The UIRR Report 2016-17, containing the statistics of members' performance, as well as an extensive description of the circumstances, challenges and outlook of European Combined Transport, has also been published.

The Report can be found here: http://www.uirr.com/en/media-centre/annual-reports/annual-reports/mediacentre/852-uirr-annual-report-2016-2017.html

European Combined Transport (CT) terminals are the interfaces, which connect the various modes of transport that perform CT transport chains. 17 UIRR member companies managed terminals, which is 3 more than a year earlier. Any one of the nearly 24 million ISO containers, which are used in intercontinental transport and the 630.000 European loading units that serve the continent may turn up at these terminals for transhipment between a truck and a train, a barge or a shortsea navigation vessel.

Members discussed the 2016 activities and achievements of the Association related to the promotion and the enhancement of Combined Transport, as well as the extension of support services of daily operations.  The progress towards achieving the long-term strategic aims of UIRR were also noted and reinforced.  Accordingly, UIRR will continue to strive to promote, enhance and support European CT for the sake of growing its market share on the grounds of technical merit and management excellence.

1 http://www.uirr.com/en/media-centre/press-releases-and-position-papers/2016/mediacentre/778-intermodal-transport-warrants-for-an-eu-initiative.html

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