Press release - Fit for 55: CT is the low hanging fruit 15/07/21
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Fit for 55: Combined Transport is the low hanging fruit for the decarbonisation of freight transport
14 July 2021: The European Commission unveils its much-anticipated legislative package titled Fit for 55[1], a comprehensive and interconnected set of proposals of historic dimension. It lays out the roadmap for the European Union to achieve the cut of its carbon emissions by 55% until 2030. This objective, agreed in the European Climate Law2 by the 27 Member States governments and the European Parliament, is considerably higher than the originally envisioned 40% based on the 1990 level of emissions. To achieve the 55% cut, no stone can remain unturned in Europe. Previously untouched sectors, such as the fossil fuel powered modes of freight transport, will have to undergo meaningful transformation. Ambitious pledges are being made, including the development of presently non-existing technologies such as renewable hydrogen generation, while unimaginably excessive infrastructure investments are proposed, which include the electrification of motorways and the development of extensive alternative fueling capacities. Combined Transport already offers a proven solution today, based on well known, widely practiced and affordable technologies. Market players already report 65-70% CO2 emission reductions realised by shifting pure road transport chains to Combined Transport. By complementing electric rail freight and electrically powered intermodal transhipment with electric trucks on the first and last mile road legs, Zero Carbon Combined Transport can become daily routine within a decade. To meet the targets, Combined Transport would have to deliver a realistic 7-8% yearly growth rate, the conditions to which must be created. Like this, Combined Transport alone could produce the CO2 reduction expected from surface freight transport in Europe. Investments should be chosen, which offer results with low risk and using the least amount of taxpayer resources, from among the various options floated by the different actors looking to profit from the transition ahead of us. Zero Carbon Combined Transport has no R&D needs, as it builds on existing technologies. Thus, Combined Transport can materially facilitate carbon-neutrality by 2050. The Combined Transport solution offers additional benefits to Europe, such as the greatest pro rata energy efficiency, high value-added jobs, improved work/life balance for transport workers, fewer transport accidents and a host of valuable, flexibility-enhancing inventory solutions sought by European manufacturers currently reconfiguring their global supply chains. Europe could become a continent less dependent on imported energy through the path of development offered by Zero Carbon Combined Transport, since it uses renewable electricity produced by windfarms, solar and hydroelectric plants in a direct and sparing way.
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