10 years CESAR Information Services 07/07/14
< Back to listThe Annual General Meeting took the following decisions:
- Reinforce the strategic cooperation with transhipment terminals and UIRR
- Initiate the standardization of a global EDI IT interface between actors in the intermodal sector (Operators, Terminals, Customers , Railways)
- Elect a new Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting on 4 June 2014 in Brussels marked the 10-year anniversary of Cesar Information Services (CIS), which was founded in 2004 by the European Combined Transport operators Cemat, Hupac, Kombiverkehr, and Novatrans together with the Industry Association of the CT sector, UIRR. The purpose of CIS is to offer to the customers of Road-Rail Combined Transport a European web-based information platform (www.cesar-online.com) with accurate status information regarding every single transport. Currently over 6,000 transport status requests are received every day by the CESAR system, and over 30,000 Internet pages are daily requested.
For the operators, this high intensity use of the system led to the planning of complementary functions for CIS. Subsequently, the reinforcement of strategic collaboration with actors in the CT transport-chain, primarily with terminals and UIRR, was decided. Since transhipment terminals increasingly use their own operational information systems, it becomes more and more important to create a proper and efficient data exchange between terminals and CT operators. Therefore the standardization of a modern EDI IT interface between operators and terminals was agreed upon, thus laying the foundations for a largely automated electronic exchange of information for a more efficient transport process within the important operational environment of the terminals.
Further coordination tasks are considered together with UIRR, which will have to be implemented in future projects, such as for instance the creation of a centralized wagon and loading unit database.
Mr. Dittrich - Kombiverkehr
New Chairman of the Supervisory Board
During the Assembly, Gerhard Dittrich, Director of data processing at Kombiverkehr KG in Germany, was elected as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Further members of the advisory board are: Aldo Croci, Director Information Technology at HUPAC Intermodal SA in Switzerland, Alain Prudhomme, Directeur Systèmes d’Information at GCA TRANS in France and Eric Feyen, Technical Director at UIRR s.c.r.l. in Belgium.
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