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Kick-off year : 2006 Title : Developing Infrastructure use and Operating Models for Intermodal Shift Programme : 100% UIC Status : Completed Link : www.uic.asso.fr/diomis
With the DIOMIS (Developing Infrastructure use and Operating Models for Intermodal Shift) study, the partners (UIC in partnership with the UIRR and supported by the consultants Kessel&Partner and KombiConsult) wish to investigate how more efficient management, operating and working procedures may help towards:
- de-saturation of the rail network
- de-saturation of intermodal terminals
- modal shift in favour of rail.
The DIOMIS project has been split into two phases which comprises key actions with the following objectives:
- encourage new types of cooperation between all stakeholders in combined transport: terminal operators, combined transport operators, shippers, railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, national and supranational authorities,
- describe and help implement optimal capacity management models at terminal level in order to use the available capacity at best,
- adapt and improve more effective operating practices in terms of rail operation in order to relieve a saturated network and respond to future market requirements,
- describe the benefits of an international approach towards planning and production, andlay down the basic principles for a common approach towards improvement of intermodal services.
In addition to the objectives developed in the phase 1, the aims of DIOMIS 2 are to:
- raise awareness with regard to the findings of DIOMIS 1. More particularly, DIOMIS 2 will ensure that the findings contained in the Master Plan are:turned into concrete actions by the stakeholders and integrated into the strategies and intermodal conceptions of the stakeholders.
- to enlarge the knowledge and data base on combined transport and focus on combined transport in Central and Eastern European countries.
- the Capacity Study and DIOMIS 1 looked at capacity constraints for freight from the angle of infrastructure and combined transport terminals. DIOMIS 2, in addition, will investigate the wagon problematic which is the third parameter which can hinder capacity and constrain growth.
The different reports can be directly downloaded at the UIC (DIOMIS 1 reports and DIOMIS 2 reports).
Reports of DIOMIS 1
Improving the use of available train length
Intermodal Combined Transport Production systems, including long and heavy trains
Assessing new technologies in the wagon field
Best Practices for the management of CT Terminals, including extension of CT Terminal opening times
International Co-ordination of terminal development
Trends in domestic combined transport
Periodical reports on the combined transport situation in Europe
CT Master plan with a 2015 time frame
Reports of DIOMIS 2
Report on Combined Transport 2007
2005 / 2015 Report on Intermodal Rolling Stock in Europe
Benchmarking analysis of the American and European Combined transport sector
- Related documents
Agenda 2015 for Combined Transport in Europe | EN |
Press - DVZ - 31.05.2008 | DE |