Press release: EDICT project successfully presented @Transport Logistic 16/05/23

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16 May 2023

EDICT project successfully presented @Munich Transport Logistic Fair 2023

In front of a large audience, UIRR with its project partners have successfully presented during the Munich Transport Logistic Fair the first developments of the CEF EU-funded project EDICT, whose main objective is to boost data sharing and interoperability within the Combined Transport community.

The event was opened by Ralf-Charley Schultze, President of UIRR and the EDICT project was introduced by Eric Feyen, EDICT Coordinator at UIRR.

Yann Seimandi, Policy Officer at the European Commission DG MOVE, reiterated the Commissions’ expectations regarding the needs for interoperable data exchanges in Combined Transport. Mickael Varga, Project Officer at ERA, confirmed that the overall objectives of EDICT are fully aligned with the TAF TSI Regulation and that EDICT is a milestone for transposing several key TAF TSI aspects into daily practices.

The Port of Rotterdam, represented by Gilbert Bal, Senior Business Manager Supply Chain and Logistics, reported on the specific digital growth programme  “Basis Op Orde” with the aim to develop and improve the digital environment of the rail chain within the Port of Rotterdam. Ben Beirnaert, General Manager of the open access terminal Combinant in the port of Antwerp-Bruges, focused his intervention on the need to design and offer a simple and cost-effective digital solution based on EDIGES messaging for integrating small and medium sized terminals into the data sharing ecosystem. Harald Reisinger, CIO at RailNetEurope (RNE), presented the TIS application as a highly valuable and trustworthy data source for infrastructure-related train running information.

Dr. Roland Klüber, the co-coordinator of EDICT, provided an outline of the conceptual overview of a collaborative Quality Management System (cQMS) with the aim to streamline the processes and data collection for all CT stakeholders. This cQMS will be supported by a digital software-as-a-service application and by the integration of new collectively developed harmonised reason codes covering TOs, CTOs, RUs and IMs.

Aldo Croci, Chairman of CIS, introduced the CESAR-NEXT application, which was released early May. CESAR-NEXT is an open multi-section tracking and tracing platform for CT operators, terminals and operators. It has been enhanced with a multimodal transport management capability by integrating all transport modes (rail, road, maritime and barge) and with new status information such as ETP (estimated time of pick-up). Aldo Puglisi, Managing Director of DXI, presented the European Digital Data Hub of Combined Transport: the KV4.0 – an open integrated data hub increasing transparency and interoperability across the entire intermodal chain for bookings, timetables and shipment status based on the EDIGES data exchange format.

With the presented set of improvements, the EDICT project will bring considerable advances to intermodal rail freight in terms of digitalisation, data quality, better decision-making basis and quality management. The project, which is proportionately on-time with its work plan, will complete its work by August 2024.


About the EDICT project

EDICT – Enhanced Data Interoperability for Combined Transport stakeholders - is a EU CEF co-funded project, coordinated by UIRR – the Industry Association for Combined Transport in Europe. The overall objective of the EDICT project is to remove interoperability barriers for TAF TSI-related CT messages by implementing data exchange with identifiable and eligible stakeholders. The project focuses on boosting the attractiveness of international rail freight and is structured around three major components (electronic data exchange between terminals and the CT sector, development of a collaborative QMS and initiating data exchanges with new stakeholders such as shippers and LSPs).

The EDICT’s consortium consists of nine project partners (CIS, Combinant, Duisport, Hupac, Kombiverkehr, Port of Rotterdam, Rail Cargo Group and WienCont). The action, started in September 2022, will last for 24 months.


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Entsprechende Dokumente
EDICT PR 16.05.23 EN
MOVE Edict presentation EN
DXI presentation EN
Cesar NEXT presentation EN
Combinant Edict presentation EN
Port of Rotterdam presentation EN
TIS Edict EN
UIRR Edict presentation EN