Combined Transport's Policy Expectations 2024-2029 28/10/24

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Combined Transport's Policy Expectations 2024 - 2029


Combined Transport offers a perfect alignment with the Clean Industrial Deal through its efficiencies:

  • 70% better energy efficiency,
  • infrastructure efficiency through using heavy duty modes over the longest segment of the logistics chain,
  • superior labour productivity and work/life balance for employees of intermodal transport chains,
  • outstanding environmental and climate efficiency enabled by the direct use of European generated non-fossil renewable electricity (90% less CO2 emissions),
  • effectively reducing accidents and related congestions through a superior safety performance.

What is proposed by the Combined Transport community?

  1. Adopt open legislative dossiers: primarily the Rail Infrastructure Capacity Management Regulation and the revision of the Combined Transport Directive
  2. Correctly implement outstanding EU law, primarily: the new TEN-T Guidelines Regulation, the Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation, and legislation that internalises currently external costs of transport.
  3. Establish a resilient European contingency and crisis management mechanism for the transport sector.
  4. Advance digitalisation through an effective and standardised European digital framework.
  5. Additionally, provide effective organisational support, refrain from imposing technical obligations not validated through a targeted cost-benefit analysis, enable the issuance of carbon certificates in freight transport, and establish a uniform European codification regime for intermodal transport


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Documents correspondants
UIRR CT Policy Expectations 2024-2029 EN