Support needed to share the risk of launching new services 15/02/22

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The railway requires greater support to share the risk of launching new services

Railway operators and intermodal terminal managers defend the need to dilute risks to consolidate traffic with Europe
February 15, 2022

Various companies linked to railway traction and the management of intermodal terminals have demanded greater complicity from shippers and related actors to share the risk of launching new links. "If we do not have traffic that allows stability, it is very difficult to maintain rail services", recognized the director of Logistics of Grupo Samca, Daniel Larriba, during his speech at a conference on international flows from Zaragoza organized by the Logistics Cluster of Aragon (Allah). In his dual role as loader and manager of railway terminals (Monzón and Tamarite), the director of Grupo Samca has insisted on the need to generate "a commitment to continuity" for the freight train to be successful.

"If we don't have stable traffic, it is very difficult to maintain rail services"
Daniel Larriba Logistics Director of Grupo Samca

For his part, the general director of Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza (tmZ), Ramón Adé, has also confirmed that "the risk of an international railway project is enormous". For this reason, to spread the risk, he has advocated the creation of "an agglutinating agent" between the supply of railway production and cargo. There are examples of this type of actors, which bring together loads and offer auxiliary services, added Ramón Adé. "Without this link between supply and demand, which can assume part of the risk and has the capacity to assume it, the development" of international freight rail services can be complicated.

“Without an agglutinating agent that assumes part of the risk, the development of routes can be complicated”
Ramón Adé General Director of tmZ

In a similar way, the Marketing Director of Renfe Mercancías, Alejandro Huergo, has expressed himself. In his case, and based on the experience of the railway operator, he has stated that "the railway needs a real and continued commitment" to achieve the start-up of new services, especially if they are international routes. "Setting up rail traffic with Europe takes time" and the risk of these services cannot fall strictly on the railway companies, "we all have to assume it together", adding shippers and involving various actors, Huergo has specified.

Also the general director of railway terminals of Cosco Shipping Ports in Spain (CSP Spain), Felipe Mendaña, has referred to the need to create "regular services" that also enable a certain balance between import and export cargo. In this sense, he has stated that neither the traction operators nor the terminals "can live only on merchandise and seasonal campaigns"
