Rolling Stock Managers
Operation of CT not only requires transhipment equipment and loading units, but also specific types of wagons.
The European rail undertakings have a combined stock of several thousand special wagons designed for transport of the various loading units. At the same time, a large number of CT companies have a private wagon stock that is even bigger. The percentage of private wagons used in CT has risen sharply over the past few years.
The wagons used in unaccompanied transport of swap bodies and of containers are container carrying wagons with equipment allowing the transport of standardised units of different lengths. Pocket wagons, for their part, are intended above all for the transport of semi-trailers, but they can also, in the role of universal wagons, transport containers. For the rolling road carrying complete road vehicles, it is necessary, for reasons related to gauge, to use low-loader wagons; they have 8 or even 12 axles per wagon, with smaller wheels.