General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of UIRR exercising the rights and fulfilling the responsibilities invested in it by law* and the Statutes of UIRR (Brussels, 5 December 2014).
UIRR s.c.r.l. holds its Annual General Assembly in Brussels on the third Thursday of the month of May, or if it falls on a public holiday, on the next working day thereafter. Active
members attend with a right to vote, nominate and be nominated to the Board of Directors**, while sympathising members attend with the right to address the assembly.
Typical topics on the agenda of the General Assembly include
- presentation and acceptance of the management's annual activity report and the financial statements together with the Auditor's report,
- adoption of the annual financial and business plan and the setting of the members' contributions, as well as
- nomination and election of the members of the Board of Directors**.
Exceptional circumstances may justify the calling of an Extraordinary General Assembly.
* Companies Act of Belgium
** Terminal Members have the special right to nominate a Director B (Terminal Member) to the Board of Directors; the Board of Directors are elected for a three-year mandate